The Student Ministry at FEFC seeks to fulfill the church’s mission of “Making, Maturing, and Multiplying followers of Jesus among all people,” by creating a disciple-making environment where we…
This disciple-making environment (Study, Pray, Love, Live) takes various forms in our student ministry. Being a disciple of Jesus impacts everything we do from eating dinner together, playing group games, getting away for retreats, or serving together in our community and on missions trips.
It is our mission to help students meet Jesus and take the next step in their journey with Him. Our ultimate goal is to see students develop a faith that lasts them into eternity. We encourage our students to be active in serving as a part of our church family in many different areas. For example from Ushering, Greeting, Worship Team, Tech Team, and serving at various church events throughout the year.
If you have questions about our Youth Ministry please contact Pastor Bill Jones.
If you would like to receive our parent/student e-blast and keep up on what is going on in the youth ministry, you may sign up below.
- Study Scripture to Know God
- Pray knowing we are dependent on the Lord’s provision
- Love one another, because He loves us deeply
- Live life as an act of worship to the Lord, honoring God in all we do.
This disciple-making environment (Study, Pray, Love, Live) takes various forms in our student ministry. Being a disciple of Jesus impacts everything we do from eating dinner together, playing group games, getting away for retreats, or serving together in our community and on missions trips.
It is our mission to help students meet Jesus and take the next step in their journey with Him. Our ultimate goal is to see students develop a faith that lasts them into eternity. We encourage our students to be active in serving as a part of our church family in many different areas. For example from Ushering, Greeting, Worship Team, Tech Team, and serving at various church events throughout the year.
If you have questions about our Youth Ministry please contact Pastor Bill Jones.
If you would like to receive our parent/student e-blast and keep up on what is going on in the youth ministry, you may sign up below.