For much of the past decades there has been a renewed interest and effort in addressing our worship on Sundays to God not just about God. Songwriters have blessed the Church with an abundance of songs that can double as our prayers throughout the week… I can recall many tear-filled drives as I sang full-throated worship in the car, singing Restore My Soul, Lord I need You, Jesus Thank You, and many more.
Some time ago I heard Paul Tripp speaking on Colossians 3 as it related to Worship. As I listened to the message that day I was reminded that God has designed our worship together with a two-fold purpose. We direct our worship vertically up to our living, redeemer God but we also sing across the aisle to one another: reminding, encouraging, at times even correcting one another as we have gathered (Hebrews 10:19-25). It is not only in our fellowship, but in our Worship that we are continually moved along in our process of Sanctification – the process of becoming more like Jesus. “Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” -Colossians 3:16 (CSB) As we worshipped this past Sunday, many of you commented that one or more of the songs spoke directly to you and your situations. This is a significant part of why we sing the songs we do… we sing both to God and to one another so that we orient our hearts and minds on Him and to encourage one another as go from Day to Day. As we look at the approaching Sunday, I encourage you to remember that we aren’t preparing for the Gospel message by singing together… we preach the Gospel to one another in our songs. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to bless one another as we “spur one another on” to a life that is truly changed by the power of the Gospel! For His Glory, -Pastor Zach
This past week I had the privilege of spending some time driving through the Jemez mountain range in Northern New Mexico. Living in Colorado Springs, breathtaking mountain views are a part of everyday life. To some degree, I have become accustomed to brilliant vista views from the most mundane of locations… one of my favorite views is from a Gas Station! As I was driving along Highway 4 in New Mexico, I was surprised when my breath was taken away at the beauty of the range before me. These were not the mountains that had become part of my daily life, and their sudden appearance on my morning drive prompted an immediate utterance of praise for their creator.
The mountains launched straight into the air and were lined with magnificent colors: warm browns and reds and white with green plants sprouting from unseen crevices. How could I do anything but revel in the wonder of God’s creation? It was truly a moment that echoed Psalm 19 and Romans 1: “The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” “For His invisible attributes, namely He eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.” It is not uncommon for us to get so used to our surroundings that we forget that they, too are the handiworks of our Creator God. In the beauty of wildflowers, in the cool of the evening, in the brilliance of a sunrise our God is glorified. We should pray that we never become so “used to” what God has done that we miss the opportunity to praise Him! For His Glory, -Pastor Zach |
AuthorZach Kellner is the Associate Pastor of Worship at FEFC Archives
February 2021
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